Always wanted the hill all to yourself? Wapiti Ski Hill is available for rent!

For more information: or look under the Hill Rentals page.

Equipment Rentals

We have ski and snowboard rentals as well as waxing edge sharpening and tune ups.

Our rental shop can be found in the basement of the ski lodge.

Rental Shop Rates (2024) 

*Parent or guardian must sign for children under 16 years of age

*Helmets are mandatory for 16 and under 



16 +








Ski package, full day $30 $20 $15 Skis, boots, poles, child includes helmet
Ski package, half day / night $20 $15 $10 Skis, boots, poles, child includes helmet
Skis / snowboard $20/$15 $15/$10 $10 Full Day/Half Day or Night
Boots (ski / board) $15/$10 $15/$10 $5 Full Day/Half/Day or Night
Poles $5 $5 $5 Any length of day
Helmet $5 $5 Free Any length of day/Kids 12 and under free
Snow blade, full day $25 n/a Do not rent  <16 yrs of age
Snowblade, half day / night $20 n/a Do not rent <16 yrs of age
Snowboard package, full day $30 $20 $15 Snowboard, boots, child includes helmet
Snowboard package, half day / night $20 $15 $10 Snowboard, boots, child includes helmet
Harness $5 $5 Any length of day


Hot wax, ski $15 Shop bills for wax AND edge sharpening. Customer must agree to each service prior to labour.
Hot wax, snowboard $20 Shop bills for wax AND edge sharpening. Customer must agree to each service prior to labour.
Edge sharpening $10 Shop bills for wax AND edge sharpening. Customer must agree to each service prior to labour.
Binding repairs $5 Minor repairs and adjustments (nut/bolt replacement, tension adjustment, boot fittings, etc.)
Minor base repair $15 1 to 4 ‘gouge’ repairs. Does NOT INCLUDE wax or edge sharpening. Must be billed separately to customer.
Major base repair $20 5 + ‘gouge’ repairs. Does NOT INCLUDE wax or edge sharpening. Must be billed separately to customer.
 Wait for tune up  $5  Skis or Snowboard while getting a tune up